Wednesday 7 December 2011

My Cousins Wedding

What a beautiful morning, I'm so lucky I have can attend the wedding of the year today and will enjoy the day with family and friends as much as possible.

First a trip to the hairdressers, it felt so good to have a wash and blowdry, a bit of loght pampering goes a long way.

Quick change, then off to church to see the bride. She looked stunning, like a real princess.

This was proceeded by a reception at Swinfin Hall for Champagne and Canapes, easy on the champagne for me though, not allowed to drink with all of the tablets and injections i'm on.

Dinner was great, the company was great and I even managed a 2 minute boogie on the dance floor

It was a tiring day but everyone really looked after me and made sure I was comfortable, I was so happy I had the opportunity to share the special day with Mr & Mrs Lockett.

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